2024/2025 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan
2024/2025 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan
2024/2025 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan
MID YEAR Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan 2023-2024
The Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003 requires Local Municipalities to develop and adopt the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan to (SDBIP) give credence to the Budget. The Service Delivery Implementation Plan is a Strategic Management and Implementation tool, which sets in-year targets, such as quarterly service delivery monthly budgets targets.
The Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003 requires Local Municipalities to develop and adopt the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan to (SDBIP) give credence to the Budget. The Service Delivery Implementation Plan is a Strategic Management and Implementation tool, which sets in-year targets, such as quarterly service delivery monthly budgets targets.
Adjusted Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) 2022/2023
2022-2023 Adjusted Service Delivery Budget and Implementation Plan (SDBIP) Scorecard – Okhahlamba Local Municipality 03/04/2023
The Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003 requires Local Municipalities to develop and adopt the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan to (SDBIP) give credence to the Budget. The Service Delivery Implementation Plan is a Strategic Management and Implementation tool, which sets in-year targets, such as quarterly service delivery monthly budgets targets.