Ethics for All Okhahlamba Municipal Staff Members 2021/2022
Ethics for All Okhahlamba Municipal Staff Members 2021 / 2022
Virement Policy 2021/22
Virement is the process of transferring funds from one-line item of a budget to another, however this can only take place within a function or sub-function and the same source of funding. The term is derived from a French word meaning a commercial transfer.
Change Management Policy 2021/2022
Change Management’s (CM) function is to ensure that modifications to the Okhahlamba Municipality ICT environment are recorded, evaluated, authorised, prioritised, planned, tested, implemented, documented and reviewed in a controlled manner to minimise the risk of negative impact of changes to Okhahlamba Municipality.
Buildings within Okhahlamba Local Municipality 2021/2022
2021/2022 Financial Year Policy: Buildings within Okhahlamba Local Municipality