Communications Policy 2022/2023
Okhahlamba Local Municipality Communications Policy 2022/2023
Okhahlamba Local Municipality Communications Policy 2022/2023
Virement is the process of transferring funds from one-line item of a budget to another, however this can only take place within a function or sub-function and the same source of funding. The term is derived from a French word meaning a commercial transfer.
Okhahlamba Local Municipality 2022/23 Draft Subsistence and Travel Allowance Policy
The petty cash must be approved by the Accounting Officer and kept by a designate of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the Finance Department who will keep the cash under lock and key of all times. In terms of the Municipality’s Supply Chain Management policy under Sub-paragraph 12 (1) (a), purchases from R1 up to R2000 (inclusive of VAT) to be procured using petty cash.