Final Transport Allowance Policy 2023/2024
Purpose of the policy
The purpose of this policy is to regulate travelling allowance in the municipality in line with SALGA guidelines which will eventually create a uniform transport allowance policy within Local Government Sector.
Tariff Policy 2023/2024
A tariff policy must be compiled, adopted and implemented in terms of section 74 of the local government: Municipal Systems act 2000, such policy to cover among other things, the levying of fees for municipal services provided by a municipality itself or by way of service delivery agreements.
Final Subsistence and Travel Allowance Policy 2023/2024
Okhahlamba Local Municipality 2023/2024 Final Subsistence and Travel Allowance Policy
In terms of the Income Tax Act (No.58 of 1962) councillors and employees traveling to other destinations for official business purposes or needs be granted an ad-hoc travel and subsistence allowance. The object of this policy is to enforce the promulgated legislation in terms of ad-hoc travel and subsistence allowances, in order to set uniform guidelines for councillors and officials of the Okhahlamba Local Municipality.
Petty Cash Policy 2023/2024
The petty cash must be approved by the Accounting Officer and kept by a designate of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the Finance Department who will keep the cash under lock and key of all times. In terms of the Municipality’s Supply Chain Management policy under Sub-paragraph 12 (1) (a), purchases from R1 up to R2000 (inclusive of VAT) to be procured using petty cash.