Municipal Business Hours | Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
Local Municipality
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touched peoples lives Find out how Okhahlamba Local Municipality has... LEARN MORE Read our latest news and be updated with all municipal developments. a sustainable competitive
and a safe environment
Unlocking potential growth while striving for... LEARN MORE
sights to take in...
With so much to do and so many LEARN MORE

Batho Pele

Okhahlamba Local Municipality is implementing a Batho Pele principle approach to Service Delivery for our people.


Apply for Municipal Vacancies

Whether you’re a graduate, general labourer, or are looking for internship, there are many ways to get employment within the Okhahlamba Local Municipality.


Things to Do,
Places to See

Okhahlamba is a popular tourist destination, known as the gateway to the Central and Northern Drakensberg, it attracts both local and international tourists.

Latest News

Explore Our Business Units

Our Municipal functions are covered by various business units that operate seamlessly and are coordinated to address the most pertinent service delivery issues plaguing our people today.

Municipal Manager

The Constitution and Municipal Structures Act requires that every Council elects a Chairperson, who is called The Speaker.

Finance Unit

The Department of Finance is responsible for providing efficient and effective financial administration of the Municipal finances.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Department is responsible for providing effective and efficient high standard administration and support.

Technical Services

The Technical Services Unit aspires to be a value-adding department in providing basic service delivery.

Economic Development

The goal of the Directorate of Development Planning and Local Economic Development is to provide strategic direction to the

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0 3971

Square KM
Land Area

0 135132


0 52

Growth Rate

0 380


Meet His Worship, The Mayor of Okhahlamba Local Municipality

We are a municipality that has developed a culture which embodies a commitment to the implementation of a clean administration driven by good governance, and this has proven to be a successful formula in achieving and maintaining favourable audit outcomes from the Auditor General of South Africa. 



The primary role of the municipal council is that of political oversight of the municipality’s functions, programmes and the management of the administration. All of the powers of local government are vested in the municipal council.


Our Municipal functions are covered by various business units that operate seamlessly and are coordinated to address the most pertinent service delivery issues plaguing our people today.


Okhahlamba is a popular tourist destination, known as the gateway to the Central and Northern Drakensberg, it attracts both local and international tourists. The Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa or uKhahlamba (the Barrier of Spears) is a 200-kilometre-long mountainous wonderland and world heritage site, making it a tourism Mecca for outdoor enthusiasts.

Schedule of Municipal Council Meetings

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